We depend on the generosity of music lovers like you to help us bring world-class music to our community and beyond. Your support plays a critical role in sustaining the orchestra's tradition of outstanding musical quality, innovative programming and community outreach. You will also help fund growth to reach new audiences, new heights of excellence and ensure that the orchestra we enjoy today will be here to benefit future generations of audience members.
Your support will be gratefully acknowledged in our concert programs:
Bronze Baton (Gifts of $100 – $299)
Silver Baton (Gifts of $300 - $499)
Gold Baton (Gifts of $500 - $1,099)
Platinum Baton (Gifts of $1,100 - $4,999)
Maestro Circle ($5,000 and up)
New Jersey Festival Orchestra is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Tax ID#22-432213. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Gifts to NJFO can be made online, by phone, or by mail. Please be sure to check if your donation qualifies to be matched by your employer’s matching gift program – the impact of your gift could be doubled!
By Phone
Call the NJFO office at 908-232-9400, Monday through Friday, 10 am to 3 pm.
By Mail
Send your check, payable to NJFO, to:
New Jersey Festival Orchestra | 224 E. Broad St | Westfield NJ 07090
Stock Transfer
Donate Appreciated Securities to NJFO (click here for info on Planned Giving)
Tax-free Donations from Your IRA
Charitable Rollover Law allows tax-free donations from your IRA. If you are 70 ½ or older, you can now make tax-free donations to NJFO from your IRA. (click here for info on Planned Giving)